Languages Department

The Languages Department of the National Guard Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is engaged in raising the level of language training in accordance with the modern educational requirements, improving the methods of teaching and upbringing cadets, practical implementation of interdisciplinary links with military sciences, introducing scientific achievements and innovative technologies into the educational process.

In 1997, the Department of Linguistics was formed at the High Military School of the Internal Troops of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The first head of the department was Svetlana V. Skripko. With the expansion of the functions of the state language, in 2004 the department was renamed the Department of the State Language and Languages Training, which was headed by the Candidate of Philological Sciences Gaziza K. Kozhagulova.

In 2008, as the result of the merger of the departments (the State Language and Languages Training, and the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), the Department of General Education Disciplines was formed. The newly created department was headed by Zhanyl K. Zhabatova. High professionalism, rich work experience, organizational skills of Zhanyl Kapezovna helped the department to achieve high results in educational, methodological and scientific work.

In 2012 — 2020, the department was headed by Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences A.K. Kaliev, G.K. Kozhagulova, K.K. Dairov.

From February 17, 2020, Major Sarkenkyzy A., Candidate of Philological Sciences, became the head of the Languages Department. Thanks to her skillful leadership, the educational process at the department is carried out purposefully, efficiently and systematically.

The department was staffed by experienced teachers with extensive teaching experience. Great importance to the strong and deep assimilation of knowledge in the Russian language is given by the Professor of the department, Major R.S. Alzhanova and teacher Lieutenant Colonel A.S. Kosmagambetov The atmosphere of creativity reigns at the classes of Lieutenant Colonel K.K. Abilgalamova. An exceptionally clear organization, methodological validity are distinguished by the classes of senior teachers Y.S. Antsibor, V.U.Zeinina. A variety of techniques and teaching methods are used by the teachers Zh.Z. Kassenova, A.A. Tadzhigitova. Teachers A.S. Mukhametzhanova, D.M. Nurlybai, S.T. Ergali widely use problem situations at their classes.

A lot of work on organizing the activities of the department is carried out by the head of the study rooms T.K. Ibraeva, she is distinguished by responsibility, initiative in the performance of assigned tasks.

According to the results of the competitions «The best educational lesson» (February-March 2020), «The best teacher of the year» and «The best teacher of the year according to the results of Internet voting» (September 2020), the senior teacher of the department, employee Antsibor E.S. took 1st places.

The teachers of the department displayed particular activity during the period of distance learning. They mobilized all their resources for the quality of the classes.

The department has a good scientific potential. The scientific degrees of Candidate of Sciences and the academic degree of Associate Professor (Assistant Professor) are held by the head of the department, Major A. Sarkenkyzy and the Professor of the Department, Major R.S. Alzhanova. All teachers of the department have academic degrees of Master of Science.

The faculty of the department is actively engaged in scientific activities: they participate in regional, republican and international scientific conferences. As part of the work of the military scientific circle of cadets under the guidance of teachers of the department, cadets win prizes in the republican competitions of scientific projects held annually, as well as in various city, regional competitions of reciters, essays, they are participants in scientific and practical seminars organized by M. Kozybaeva North Kazakhstan Univercity, S. Mukanov Regional Universal Scientific Library, the Residence of Abylai Khan, the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the North Kazakhstan region.

The teachers of the department carry out a lot of work on educational activities among the cadets: olympiads, language competitions, literary and musical meetings, topical conversations, quizzes and other events.

Cadets of the department annually actively participate in various interuniversity, regional and city competitions. On topical issues of methodology and education of national identity, the department annually plans and holds conferences and seminars. Every year, the M. Kozybaev NKU holds an International Student Scientific and Methodological Seminar in English, in which the students from different countries take part with the projects about their Motherland, educational institution, future profession, etc. The 1st year cadets of the National Guard Academy under the guidance of teachers of the Languages Department always win prizes and are awarded in various nominations. For several years, the cadets of the Academy, under the guidance of the teaching staff of the Languages Department, have been actively participating and winning prizes in the regional intellectual competition «Polyglot» among the students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the region, the purpose of which is to promote multilingualism among young people. At this event, participants demonstrate their erudition, as well as knowledge of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

During the academic year, the department conducts additional classes in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages for еру cadets from the Republic of Tajikistan.

The staff of the department is distinguished by devotion to their work, a creative approach to the upbringing and education of cadets. The teachers of the department implement the principle of scientific character and accessibility in teaching at their classes.

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