Recently the national team of Internal troops made an excellent speech at republican tournament passing in Astana among the staff of forces structures on hand-to-hand fight on the Cup of the Commander of the Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, having won in the general offset three gold and one bronze medals. In a line-up one more time we saw the teacher of the department of physical preparation and sports of Military institute lieutenant Aybek Hyrykhbay who has become the winner of the competition.
Tournament on hand-to-hand fight on the Cup of the Commander is held by the Guard annually. This year it brought together more than hundred athletes from all parts of our country. There were the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ME, Ministry of Emergency Situations, KNB, Financial police, Security service of the President, Border service, Republican Guard, and also Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Acting in weight category to 86 kg the world champion in hand-to-hand fight Aybek Hyrykhbay proved one more time that in this weight he doesn’t have the equal. The North Kazakhstan citizen carried out the first fight with the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and won it by points. In the second fight Aybek also didn’t encounter resistance from the employee of the Border service of the master of sports Kuat Karatayev, having won it with a clear advantage. In final fight with Hyrykhbay there was the champion of Kazakhstan on hand-to-hand fight of this year, the security guard of the President Timur Balykbayev. In a persistent meeting Aybek won with the score 7:4.
It should be noted that one more representative of the Military institute of Internal troops took part in this tournament whose name is sergeant Isatay Makaramov. In the first fight Isatay won, but in the second fight he lost to the future prize-winner the of competition, the representative of Republican Guard.
As a part of Internal troops, except Aybek gold was taken by Talgat Orazgaliyev and Aydos Sabyrbayev.
captain Ruslan Zhangulin